BackIntercollegiate Academic Conference

May 29, 2014- The intercollegiate conference on ''The Legal and Historical Problems of the First Republic of Armenia'' was held in the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia. Lieutenant general Hovh. Varyan, the Head of the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia, made a welcoming speech. Welcoming the participants, lieutenant general Hovh. Varyan noted that May 28 is a special day in the history of the Armenian people. On May 28, 1918, the National Council declared about establishment of the independent Republic of Armenia. Аfter 543 years of break the Armenian nation restored its statehood. Such events are of great importance for history appreciation in educating generations.
The staff and representatives of Yerevan State University, Armenian State Pedagogical University after K. Abovyan, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia as well as Law Faculty students of the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia attended the conference. Arthur Vagharshyan, doctor of law, professor, head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of Law Faculty of Yerevan State University, made a speech on ''The formation of state power of the first Republic of Armenia''. A speech was made by Armen Asryan, candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Armenian History Chair of Armenian State Pedagogical University after K. Abovyan. A speech was made by Rostom Sargsyan, candidate of economic sciences, professor of the Chair of Social Sciences of the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia, also made a speech on “The militia of the first Republic of Armenia (1918-1920)”, Head of the New Ages Department, candidate in History Ruben Sahakyan from the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia made a speech on “Armenian police in the period of Van (May 7 to July 17, 1915)”, another speech on “May battles of the year 1918” was made by Edik Poghosyan, Associate Professor in Armenian State Pedagogical University after K. Abovyan.
To sum up the results of the conference lieutenant general H. Varyan, the Head of the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia, thanked everyone for their participation and valuable speeches, expressed confidence that the conference achieved its goals and would be the best example for future cooperation. At the end, the participants were awarded memorial medals and letters of thanks of the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia.
Educational Complex of the Police RA