- Home
- Top Management
Misak Markosyan
MIA Educational
Complex, PhD of Law, Associate Professor
Reception days: each Wednesday 14:00–15:00
Tel.:(+37410) 77-09-81
Armen Sukiasyan
Deputy Head of MIA Educational Complex,
Head of Service Department,
Reception days: each Wednesday 11:00–12:00
Tel.: (+37410) 77-80-08
Emil Margaryan
Deputy Head of MIA Educational Complex,
Head of Maintenance,
Reception days: each Tuesday 12:00–13:00
Tel.: (+37410) 77-80-04
Armine Hayrapetyan
of MIA Educational Complex,
Reception days: each Wednesday 15:00–16:00
Tel.: (+37410) 77-20-46
- About Academy
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Corespodence Education
- Master's Department
- Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law
- Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activities
- Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science
- College
- Training Centre
- Applicant 2020
- Physical Culture and Sports
- Legal Acts and Literature
- Physical Culture and Sports
- Campus Life
- "Bulwark of Law" scientific-methodical journal