BackThe ongoing visit of delegation of Volgograd Academy MIA in Russia to the RoA Police Educational Complex

June 6, 2013 – According to the requirements of signed Protocol on Cooperation between Volgograd Academy MIA in Russia and the RoA Police Educational Complex within the exchange of experience in October 12-14, 2013, held the third visit of delegation of Volgograd Academy MIA in Russia to the RoA Police Educational Complex.
During the visit Police Lieutenant Colonel A.N.Timchenko, Head of Professional Education Faculty of Volgograd Academy MIA in Russia held a meeting with senior staff, as well as heads of educational departments of the Educational Complex. During the meeting A.N.Timchenko introduced the peculiarities of teaching methods, the results obtained by the innovative technologies during the training of Volgograd Educational Center.
During the visit A.N.Timchenko more thoroughly studied the activity of the RoA Police Educational Complex, met with the teaching staff of the Educational Center during which were discussed many questions. A.N.Timchenko hoped for ongoing close cooperation with the Educational Center of the Educational Complex.
Police Educational Complex of RA