Back“Education XXI Century” EXPO 2016 international specialized exhibition

30 March 2016 – The opening ceremony of the “Education XXI Century” EXPO 2016 international specialized exhibition took place in the conference hall of the Government building of the Republic of Armenia. More than 60 organizations attended the exhibition this year including more than 10 higher and professional education institutions from the Russian Federation and other countries, dozens of Armenian universities, institutes, professional colleges.
Upon the initiative of the management of the Police Educational Complex, this year the Educational Complex was properly presented in the specialized exhibition. Books published by the academic staff of the Educational Complex, academic programs as well as a video depicting the life and the educational process in the Educational Complex were presented.
The exhibition was a good occasion to present to the public the police education system and the academic programs.
The management of the Educational Complex, headed by Colonel Tigran Yesayan, First Deputy Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex, attended the opening ceremony.