BackDelegation of the RoA Police Educational Complex Pays a Working Visit to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

1-4 June 2014 – The RoA Police Educational Complex delegation paid a working visit to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The delegation was composed of Colonel TigranYesayan, First Deputy Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex, Candidate of Legal Sciences and Captain Misak Markosyan, Head of Criminal Law and Criminology Chair of the Academy’s Law Faculty, Candidate of Legal Sciences.
On 2 June 2014, the delegation attended the celebration event dedicated to the 94th anniversary of the foundation of the Omsk Academy. Being a graduate of the Omsk Academy Deputy Head TigranYesayan gave a congratulation speech which was followed by awarding a medal for “Strengthening Cooperation” to Major Lieutenant B. Bulatov, Head of the Omsk Academy, on behalf of Lieutenant General V. Gasparyan, Chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia.
The Armenian delegation was briefed on the organization of academic, educational-methodical, scientific-research and disciplinary activities of the Omsk Academy. Scientific articles, written by the lecturers of the RoA Police Educational Complex, were submitted to the Omsk Academy publishing house of the “Nauchni Vestnik” magazine for publishing.
Based on the outcome of the visit, the parties have reached an agreement to jointly prepare course books and organize online videoconferences. The areas for further cooperation have also been defined.
Educational Complex of the Police RA