BackPresident of the RoA Constitutional Court Visits the RoA Police Educational Complex

June 25, 2014 – Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex, invited the President of the Republic of Armenia’s Constitutional Court Professor Gagik Harutyunyan to visit the Educational Complex.
The invitation aimed at hearing professional clarification of the main provisions of the Draft Concept Paper on RA Constitutional Amendments at the present stage. Major General Arthur Osikyan, Deputy Head of Police, attended the meeting as well. Arthur Osikyan noted that Professor Harutyunyan is the Chairman of the Specialized Commission for Constitutional Amendments adjunct to the RA President, and it is an honor to hear his comments on the priorities set in the concept paper. Mr. Harutyunyan stressed that the subject matter of the discussion is not the final document, but the draft concept. The main constitutional development trends set in the draft concept paper were presented with the focus on ensuring the implementation of the principle of rule of law, improving constitutional mechanisms for guaranteeing fundamental human’s rights and freedoms, ensuring full equilibrium of powers and raising the effectiveness of public administration, forms of government, electoral rights and system and other main provisions of the draft concept.
In the second half of the event the faculty members and the students had the opportunity to ask questions arising from the concept paper on constitutional reforms.
At the end of the event Major General Arthur Osikyan, Deputy Head of Police, thanked Mr. Harutyunyan on behalf of the Armenian Police and the Educational Complex for accepting the invitation and for the interesting report.
Police Educational Complex of RA