BackNew sport equipment for the RoA Police Educational Complex

September 5, 2014 – The solemn ceremony of donating sport equipment to the RoA Police Educational Complex by the OSCE Office in Yerevan was held in the Educational Complex. The opening ceremony was attended by Head of OSCE Office in Yerevan, Ambassador Andrey Sorokin, Politico-Military Programme Officer Lilian Salaru, Senior Inspector Ulf Johnsson, international expert on physical fitness and combat from Swedish Police, Chief of Police Headquarters, Major General Vardan Yeghiazaryan. Due to the ongoing support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, the newly opened sports hall of the Educational Complex has been completely upgraded with high quality equipments.
Thank-you speeches were made by Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan and Major General Vardan Yeghiazaryan. Expressing their gratitude for the donation of sport equipment, they emphasized that the OSCE Office in Yerevan strongly stands by the Armenian Police and demonstrates continuous support in all reform-related initiatives implemented in the Armenian Police.
Police Educational Complex of RA