BackTraining on “The improvement of the quality assurance system, preparation of the accreditation process” at the Police Educational Complex

1 December 2016 – By the initiative of Colonel Tigran Yesayan, First Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex, the Education Quality Assurance group of the Educational Complex organized training on “The improvement of the quality assurance system, preparation of the accreditation process” for the teaching and administrative staff. The training was held by the responsible of stakeholder relations Lilit Zakaryan, National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation. The event was attended by the staff of the Educational and Methodical Work and Development Department, representatives of teaching staff and students of the Academy and College.
The opening speech was made by Colonel T. Yesayan, who stressed the importance of holding such events at the Educational Complex.
The representative of the ANQA presented the improvement process and mechanisms of the quality assurance which allow carrying out an effective management of the educational process and review of educational programs in the vocational education institution. It was also presented the formats and ways of the institutional accreditation implementation of the first stage of the accreditation.
In the end, a discussion took place on the scope of the submitted problem.