BackAnnual Meeting of the Member University Rectors of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the MIA of CIS Member States was held

From November 16 to 18 - The annual meeting of the member university rectors of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the MIA of CIS Member States was held at the Management Academy of the MIA of the Russian Federation.
The event was attended by the heads of the Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Belarus, the Mogilev Institute of the MIA of the Republic of Belarus, the Almati Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the MIA of the Republic of Kyrgyz, the "Stefan cel Mare" Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Moldova, the Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Management Academy of the MIA of the Russian Federation and the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia.
The Educational Complex was represented by Colonel Tigran Yesayan, First Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex. In his speech he presented the annual Open Championship and 2 International Scientific Practical Conferences held in the Educational Complex within the framework of the Association. The proposal of T.Yesayan to hold a Conference in the Police Educational Complex on "Actual Problems of Society and Police Cooperation on the Strengthening of Law" was approved, which was included in the working plan 2017 of the Association.
Durring the mitting staff training issues of the Internal Affairs in the reform conditions of state educational system were discussed.
During the event Scientific-Methodical Conference on "Actual Problems of Staff Preparation in Internal Affairs Bodies" was held.
On Workflow, the meeting sides elaborated the Work Plan 2017, signed the resolution, in which the main directions of further cooperation within the association were presented.