The representatives of the regional security service of the USA embassy visited to the Educational Complex

On the 23th of September of 2020 the co-worker of the regional security service of the USA embassy to Yerevan visited to the Police Educational Complex of RA Craig Goldstein, special agent of the regional security service Christine Jimenez and the advisor of the same service Elizabeth Kaiser, as well as co-worker of the regional security service of the USA embassy to Yerevan, Criminal Fraud Investigator Tigran Petrosyan visited to Educational Complex of Police of RA.
With the leadership of the head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major-general Mushegh Babayan the visitors were met by the first deputy head, police lieutenant colonel M. Markosyan, Head of educational-methodical and development department, police colonel G. Gevorgyan, Head of training center, police colonel A. Sukiasyan, Head of international cooperation and IT division, police lieutenant colonel G. Davtyan.
With the accompaniment of M. Babayan, the guests had a cognitive tour around Educational Complex of Police of RA, got acquainted with the structure, functions and implemented educational projects of the Educational Complex.
The representatives of regional security service of the USA embassy to Yerevan were presented at the physical preparedness checking of newly formulated patrol policing service.
The meeting was maintained in the conference hall, where the Head of Educational Complex, police major-general M. Babayan presented in details the educational projects, emphasizing that that educational program was formed with the help of the USA embassy.
The sides discussed also issues of mutual interests.