Some co-workers of Educational Complex were stimulated for their faithful work

On 15th of January, 2020 an operative consultation took place with the extended staff at the Educational Complex of Police of RA with the leadership of the Head of Educational Complex, police general major Mushegh Babayan. It was concerning to the successfully passing the procedure of the Accreditation of Educational Complex.
The Head of Educational Complex had an opening speech, expressed his gratitude to the co-workers, participating in the Accreditation procedure actively. He also emphasized that this is all our achievement and the result of realized productive team work.
According to the order No. 4006-A of 27.12.2019, acting Head of Police, police colonel Arman Sargsyan, 11 workers of Educational Complex were awarded with medals, badges and certificates. Head of Educational Complex, police general major Mushegh Babayan ceremonially awarded the guerdons.
According to the order of the Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, it was announced «Thank You» to some officers of Educational Complex.