International Policing Forum at People’s Public Security University of China

From 10th to 15th of November of 2019 the first Assembly of the Executive Council of International Forum on Police Education Cooperation (IFPEC) was carried out at the People’s Public Security University of People’s Republic of China, where 25 representatives of 25 police educational institutions from 19 countries took participation in.
Educational Complex of Police of RA was represented by Head of Educational Complex, police major general M. Babayan and senior inspector of international cooperation and IT division, police senior lieutenant E. Karapetyan. At the solemn opening ceremony of the 11th International policing forum the President of People’s Public Security University of China Cao Shiquan had a welcoming speech, mentioning “International forum of police education cooperation creates an open platform, which promotes to spreading of academic exchange, vocational training and strengthening international cooperation”.
Within the framework of the Forum, it was carried out the scientific conference on “Combating Cybercrime”.
During the conference the representatives of different countries spoke about development of cybercrime, pre-investigation, collection of evidence, ways of countering cybercrime, held in their states, and international cooperation.
Elya Karapetyan presented the speech “Cybercrime in the Republic of Armenia: current situation and trends” ․
In the framework of Assembly of Executive Committee of International Forum on Police Education Cooperation (IFPEC) the official logo of Forum was selected, it was reviewed the Forum action plan of 2020-2022 and the decision was made to conduct the next annual meeting in Beijing. Several meetings were held during the event. While meeting with the Vice president of People’s Public University of China Xi Yanli, Chinese part expressed its readiness to the head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general M. Babayan, to admit the learners of Educational Complex to study at their higher educational institution within the framework of credit mobility.
By initiative of the President of Amin International Police Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hasan Javadi Niakani it was carried out meeting with the Head of Educational Complex M. Babayan, during which several issues of interest were discussed, and got preliminary agreement concerning to cooperation.
It was gained preliminary agreement related to comparative analyze of educational programs (benchmarking) with the Chairman of Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, lieutenant general Matlyubov Bakhodir.
The representatives of Educational Complex discussed several issues of mutual interests also with the Director of High Learning International School for Preventing and Countering Transnational Organized Crime of Italy and the Director of London Police College.