Patrol police course trainers received their certificates

On the 8th of July there was held awarding ceremony of participants in Training for trainers (ToT) on “Police basic tactical preparedness” at the Educational Complex of Police of RA. ToT had been addressed to develop knowledge and capabilities of trainers on the subjects “Defensive tactics” and “Basic tactics”. One month ToT was conducted by Tactical instructors from Houston police department of the USA sharing their experience with future trainers of Patrol police course.
Head of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, police colonel M. Muradyan had his welcome speech at the beginning of the diploma awarding ceremony expressing his gratitude to the trainers and participants. He also emphasized about importance of training course in future trainers’ activities as well as gave special thanks to the USA specialists for successful implementation of the project. Senior advisor for the legal issues of countering drug trafficking and law enforcement cooperation unit of the USA embassy Audie Holloway expressed his gratitude to all organizers and trainers of the course, also mentioned about the role and significance of police reforms for society and state.
The event was summed up with awarding diplomas.