We are talking on the language of Shakespeare and Beatles

On the 16th of June, it was held in online format the awarding of certificates to the police officers, who had participated in the English course, arranged by the embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Armenia. The Head of Headquarter of Police of RA, Police Colonel Armen Mkrtchyan, Chargé d’Affaires of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland David Moran, co-workers of the embassy and graduates.
Police colonel A. Mkrtchyan, giving importance to the increasement of the number of police officers, knowing foreign languages, especially English, organizing too important courses, expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador D. Moran and hoped that the cooperation between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Armenia and Police Educational Complex of RA will be continued.
The ambassador D. Moran, congratulating the graduates, emphasized that course graduates are carriers of the language of Shakespeare and Beatles, and expressed conviction that new skills will be used in service productively.
After all, the graduates expressed their gratitude as well, among which six of them were police officers of different subdivisions of the Educational Complex.
The replenishment of lecturing and educational assistance staff, knowing English, is one of the priorities of Police Educational Complex of RA, the goal of which is to promote international cooperation within the context of studying the best experience and having contribution in vocational educational projects.