The serial meeting of the scientific council was carried out

On the 31st of July of this year the 7th meeting of scientific council of Educational Complex of Police of RA was carried out. As a result of the discussion on Agenda issues, the scientific council decided to certify the draft project concerning to equalize service of the first year learners of the faculty of middle vocational education of college of Educational Complex of Police of RA during state emergency situation as educational practice, due to state emergency situation, declared in RA.

- About Academy
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Corespodence Education
- Master's Department
- Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law
- Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activities
- Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science
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- Applicant 2020
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- "Bulwark of Law" scientific-methodical journal