The next meeting of scientific council

On the 4th of June the 8th meeting of the scientific council of the Educational Complex of Police of RA took place during 2021. As a result of agenda discussion the scientific council decided to make supplements and amendments in the order on “Arrangement of education process of bachelor and master projects of the Academy of the Educational Complex of Police of RA”, as well as certified the decision related to master degree project of the specialization on Law and discussed the report on implemented works of the second semester of student council of educational year 2020-2021 of the Educational Complex of Police of RA.

- About Academy
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Corespodence Education
- Master's Department
- Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law
- Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activities
- Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science
- College
- Training Centre
- Applicant 2020
- Physical Culture and Sports
- Legal Acts and Literature
- Physical Culture and Sports
- Campus Life
- "Bulwark of Law" scientific-methodical journal