Traditional meeting ahead to the new education year

-Every problem, effectively solved is a new allied for us, every overcome height is a support and reliance to stand face to face to the new challenges,-The Head of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major-general Mushegh Babayan mentioned in his speech at the meeting with the whole staff of the Educational Complex ahead to the educational year 2021-2022.
During the meeting held on the 31st of August the Head of the Educational Complex talked about implemented jobs in academic year 2020-2021, thanked to the officers of subdivisions for supporting in raising education quality and gave appropriate recommendations related to shortcomings and raising the quality of education more.
The Head of Educational Complex thanked specially to the education supporting and professor-lecturing staff for effective overcoming the challenges of previous academic year, particularly, for arranging successfully the online education. M. Babayan also gave importance to the thorough work of lecturers and supporting staff of Patrol Police trainings: they were full of hard work and devotion from application procedure up to the end of the training courses.
-The most important mission in this year will be to turning the hard work into simple one, and simple into an easy one,-the Head of the Educational Complex summed up his speech, wishing safe, peaceful and effective service during new educational year.
The 9th session of scientific council followed to the meeting with the staff. At the beginning of the meeting, the Chair of Languages was recognized as the division gaining the best result in scientific activity.
The scientific council continued to discuss agenda issues and decided to certify the specification of master degree education project of Law of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, appreciated the education plans of the Police Educational Complex of RA, the results of scientific outcomes and scientific groups’ activities were also discussed, implemented during academic year 2020-2021.