Master Lawyers received their diplomas

Five among 19 graduates got the diplomas of excellence. Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general M. Babayan congratulated to the alumni for upcoming New Year and Christmas, as well as hoped that new masters would fully use their knowledge in the work, be honorable and conscientious. M. Babayan also wished that during upcoming year master Lawyers would serve honorably with their knowledge for strength and peace of motherland.

- About Academy
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Corespodence Education
- Master's Department
- Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law
- Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activities
- Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science
- College
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- Applicant 2020
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- Legal Acts and Literature
- Physical Culture and Sports
- Campus Life
- "Bulwark of Law" scientific-methodical journal