Awards on the occasion of the Day of Police of RA

On the 16th of April, the awarding ceremony was held at the meeting hall of Educational Complex of Police of RA. On the occasion of the Day of Police of RA, several officers of Educational Complex of Police of RA were awarded for their devotion and contribution in strengthening the legal system, keeping public order.
Rewards were handed by the Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general Mushegh Babayan.
The names of awarded officers are presented below:
· Associate professor of the Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science, police lieutenant colonel Beniamin Zaven Alexanyan is honoured with the rank of a Police colonel,
· Associate professor of Chair of Languages of College of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police colonel Roza Levon Musaelyan is honoured with the medal “Bulwark of Law”,
· Deputy Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, Head of Maintenance division, police lieutenant colonel Gnel Sasha Araklyan is awarded with "Certificate of Police of RA"
· Associate professor of the Chair of Criminal procedure of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police lieutenant colonel Hasmik Samvel Smbatyan is honoured with the badge for “Excellent service in Police”,
· Senior lecturer of the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology, police lieutenant colonel Hripsime Mher Khachatryan was awarded with “Certificate of Gratitude” by the Ministry of Justice of RA.
It was announced “Thank You” by the order of No. 1093-A, Deputy Head of Police of RA, police colonel T. Yesayan on 15.04.2020:
· Head of Master Degree Unit of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police lieutenant colonel Ruzannaa Nerses Temuryan
· Senior lecturer of special preparedness circle of Training Centre of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police lieutenant colonel Naira Mambre Nazaryan,
· Commandant of a cadet of Service division of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major Armen Kimik Antonyan,
· Senior inspector of Faculty of Poice intermediate level education of college o Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major Yelena Vladimir Cherneckaya.
Police major general M. Babayan congratulated the awarded ones, wishing continuous achievements and new obtaining in career.