The Educational Complex has 52 new learners

Yesterday, as we had informed before, it was finished the exam of “Armenian history”, passed by the applicants of paid based education of Law faculty of Police Educational Complex of RA. 28 among of participants got positive mark, and those, getting negative results, should have appealed today until 15:00. Summing up the exam, held in Educational Complex, as well as the references given by Testing and Assessment Centre related to the results of united examination committee, decided to pass 52 applicants. The whole staff of Police Educational Complex of RA congratulates the future lawyers, wishing vocational great success.

- About Academy
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Corespodence Education
- Master's Department
- Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law
- Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Procedure
- Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activities
- Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science
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- Applicant 2020
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- "Bulwark of Law" scientific-methodical journal