The Head of Police of RA and Minister of Justice visited to the Educational Complex

The newly formulated patrol service, which in short terms gained interest and approval of wide range of public, becomes reality step by step. In order to get acquainted with the procedure today, on the 22nd of July the Head of Police of RA, Police Colonel V. Ghazaryan, Deputy Head of Police of RA, Police Colonel T. Yesayan, Minister of Justice of RA Rustam Badasyan visited to the Educational Complex.
High ranking guests got familiar with the procedure of applications, documents of applicants, wishing to study for five years to serve at the newly created patrol police, had interview with the inspectors of accepting all these documents and applicants, after which had cognitive tour around Educational Complex, visited to the shooting room with the accompaniment of the Head of Educational Complex, police major general M. Babayan and headship of Police Educational Complex of RA. Prepared works intended to raise education quality within police reforms were discussed during the meeting, as well as the Head of Educational Complex presented to the guests the project to create simulation rooms in order to add practical part during the courses.