BackInternational Scientific-Practical Conference at the RoA Police Educational Complex

2 June 2016 - The RoA Police Educational Complex hosted the 1st International Scientific-Practical Conference on ՛՛Main Directions of Professional Training of Personnel in Police Educational Institutions”.
Representatives of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan, Georgia and the Republic of Armenia attended the conference.
The conference consisted of two parts. In the first part, the representatives of the conference gave presentations on the peculiarities of their educational institutions. The second part was devoted to thematic reports.
The conference was headed by Colonel T. Yesayan, First Deputy Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex.
The conference promoted active discussions. A number of issues related to training police officers were raised, relevant proposals were discussed.
In his concluding speech, Mr. T. Yesayan noted that there were truly effective discussions in the conference, most important issues as peculiarities of training police staff and, in general, training qualified staff were raised.