BackInternational Scientific Practical Conference on “Criminal Legal, Criminological and Forensic Aspects of Combat against Illicit Drug Turnover” hosted by the Police Educational Complex of RA

11-13 October 2016 – The Police Educational Complex hosted the International Scientific Practical Conference on “Criminal Legal, Criminological and Forensic Aspects of Combat against Illicit Drug Turnover”, attended by 11 representatives from the police higher educational institutions of Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus as well as representatives of the General Department for Combat against Organized Crime of the Armenian police, Republican Centre of Narcology, General Prosecutor’s Office of Armenia, National Bureau of Expertise, Penitentiary Department of the Armenian Ministry of Justice, National Security Service.
This time the event stood out for its participants. The conference was also attended by Lieutenant-general Valery Polishchuk, Head of the Mogilyov Institute of the Interior Ministry of Belarus, Lieutenant-general Alexander Simonenko, Head of the Krasnodar Academy of the Russian Interior Ministry and Merited Lawyer of Russia Anatoly Kustov.
On the first day of the event, the participant met the faculty of the Police Educational Complex.
On 12 October, the opening ceremony of the International Scientific Practical Conference took place in the conference hall of the Educational Complex.
Opening remarks were delivered by Lieutenant-general Hovh. Varyan, Head of the Police Educational Complex. He addressed those present with the welcoming message and wishes on behalf of Lieutenant-general Vladimir Gasparyan, Chief of Police of RA. The conference was chaired by colonel Yesayan, Deputy Head of the Police Educational Complex.
According to the order of Lieutenant-general Vladimir Gasparyan, Chief of Police of RA, Valery Polishchuk was awarded the “Excellent service in police” pin, and Alexander Simonenko was awarded the medal for “Strengthening cooperation”.
There were 18 reports presented during the conference which will be published in the second issue of the scientific-methodical journal of the Educational Complex “Bulwark of Law”.
On October 13, the work of the conference was summed up during the concluding ceremony. The participants were awarded diplomas and souvenirs.
In the framework of the event program, the guests laid flowers at the eternal fire of the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. Then the guests visited Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the spiritual and administrative center of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory, Lake Sevan.