Back4th session of the Scientific Council

31 August 2015 – The Police Educational Complex hosted the fourth Session of the Scientific Council. The issues of approving candidates for the Chief of Police Scholarship for the first semester of the academic year 2015-2016, the appeal process of the 4 students who were excluded from the Academy’s BA program, providing extra sum of money to the faculty members in case of surpassing the defined workload in the academic year 2014-2015 as well as the issue of making amendments and supplements to the internal legal acts regulating the educational process were discussed. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the Scientific Council decided to allocate scholarships to ten students nominated for Chief of Police Scholarshipfor the first semester of the academic year 2015-2016, to intercede for the 4 excluded students with the Chief of Police for restoration, to provide extra sum of money to the faculty members with exceeding workload as well as to make amendments and supplements to the internal legal acts regulating the educational process of the Educational Complex.
RoA Police Educational Complex