BackRound Table on Child Protection in the Republic of Armenia

June 2, 2014 – The RoA Police Educational Complex hosted a roundtable on the issues of child protection in the Republic of Armenia.
Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the Police Educational Complex, welcomed the participants to the meeting and stated that the children’s rights protection not only must be addressed on the International Children’s Day, but it must also be focused on by the state and society as children are particularly vulnerable and need additional legal protection guarantees.
The round table was attended by the representatives from the “Women’s Support Center”, “Women’s Resource Center” NGOs, the RoA Ministry of Justice Academy, the RoA Police General Investigative Department, the General Department of Criminal Intelligence, the Police Headquarters, the Police Educational Complex faculty and top management as well as the Police Academy’s Law Faculty and Master’s students.
Presentations on “The Impact of Violence on Children”, “International Instruments Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence”, “Child Sexual Violence”, “Engaging a Minor in the Commission of Crime” were done by “Women’s Support Center” representative Satenik Sargsyan, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor David Tumasyan, “Women’s Resource Center” representative Siranush Davtyan and the Police Academy Master’s student Barsegh Mirzoyan respectively.
Summing up the results of the round table, Hovh. Varyan thanked the participants for their valuable presentations noting that he is certain the results of the collaborative efforts will make their contribution to the children’s right protection in the Republic of Armenia. At the end of the meeting the participants were given Letters of Appreciation on behalf of the Police Educational Complex.
Educational Complex of the Police RA