BackWorkshop on “Legal Drug Turnover” at the Police Educational Complex

5 to 8 December 2016 - In the framework of the Eastern Partnership Police Cooperation three years of actions program, a workshop on the “Legal Drug Turnover” was held at the Educational Complex. On this purpose the experts of relevant units of the MIA of the Republic of Poland arrived to Yerevan. The agenda included issues related to the European Union legal as well as illegal drug turnover strategies and plans of actions, the Polish national program of countering drugs, legal acts regulating sector. Upon the end of the event, the participants were awarded certificates.
8 December - The final meeting was held at the office of Colonel T. Yesayan, First Deputy Head of the Educational Complex. T. Yesayan thanked the Polish colleagues for reporting their experiences to the police officers, mentioning that the international cooperation on the fight against of this type transnational crime is very important and should be carried out through the exchange of experience, the introduction of modern methods and training of specialists. Head of the Polish delegation Valdemar Kravchuk expressed his gratitude for the warm admission and highly appreciated the works of the Eastern Partnership Police Cooperation actions program implemented by the RoA Police during this year. He expressed a hope that in 2017 activities will be continued in such effect.