BackNew Horizons of International Cooperation

4 to 6 May 2017 - Within the framework of international cooperation, the delegation of the RoA Police Educational Complex, headed by Police Lieutenant General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the Police Educational Complex, participated on the Annual Conference and the Governing Board meeting 2017 of the Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC), which was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. The aim of the visit was the membership of the RoA Police Educational Complex in AEPC. The association is composed of 51 police educational institutions from member countries. AEPC is in close collaboration with CEPOL and the European Commission, it organizes seminars, conferences and other events that contribute to the improvement of police officers training and sharing the best educational programs.
During the meeting Police Major R. Marandyan, Head of Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law of the Law Faculty of the RoA Police Educational Complex Academy, spoke about the structure, admission procedure, academic programs, scientific activities and international relations of the Police Educational Complex. On the result of unanimous vote of the Governing Board members, the RoA Police Educational Complex became a member of AEPC. Becoming one of the members of the Association is a significant achievement. It is a new opportunity to establish close relations with member countries.
After the official ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Membership, bought an agreement to hold the Governing Board meeting 2018 in the Police Educational Complex of the Republic of Armenia by the proposal of Head of the RoA Police Educational Complex.