BackVisit of the delegation of Police of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Educational Complex

February 16 – The study visit was made by the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Police Educational Complex.
The delegation was composed of Major-General Morteza Mirza, Deputy Head of the Police Fight against drugs of Law Enforcement Forces, Colonel Hamid Chya, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Unit and Major-General Morteza Daran, Adviser of Deputy Head, as well as two employees of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia.
During the visit, the guests pay tribute to the memorial of police officers who died while performing police duties, then had a tour around the area accompanied by Lieutenant-General Hovh. Varyan, Head of the RA Police Educational Complex. Got acquainted with the Educational Complex structure, educational programs, as well as future programs, visited the library, the RA Police History Museum, halls for physical training lessons, as well as center-auditorium for Combating Organized Crime in the Training Center. The visit of Persian language auditorium, where at that moment was training, was remarkable. The delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran was impressed, and Major-General Morteza Mirza noted that it is for the first time that he witnessed such an attention over the Persian language in a foreign country.
The meeting was continued in the office of Lieutenant-General Hovh. Varyan, where he highlighted the importance of cooperation between the Police of the Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as talked about historical connection between the two countries.
Head of the Educational Complex conveyed an invitation to the Head of the Police Educational Institution of Iran to participate in the upcoming International Scientific Practical Conference which will be held in the Educational Complex.
In his response speech, Mr. Mirza introduced brief summary of police educational institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, readiness of teaching staff and the high level of technical equipment, as well as educational programs. Major General Morteza Mirza said that during the training, the students travel to other countries, for two weeks, to share experiences and offered to discuss the implementation of a similar project with the Republic of Armenia. Particularly he attached the importance of exchange program of the teaching staff.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Mirza expressed his gratitude for the warm admission and invited Hovh. Varyan to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran.