BackThe institutional accreditation process is arranged in Educational Complex of Police of RA

The institutional accreditation process of Educational Complex of Police of RA has been started. From 16 to 20 of September the expert group of “National Center for professional Education Quality Assurance” foundation (within the staff of local and international independent experts) will arrange assessment with 10 criteria.
In the framework of the visit the experts are going to meet with the Head of Educational Complex, Deputy heads, representatives of the Council, heads of the faculties, self-analysis group, heads of departments and divisions, leadership of College, Quality Assurance division specialists, heads of Chairs, staff of professorial-lecturing staff, representatives of learners, graduates and employees. The group is going to visit to the subdivisions of Educational Complex, realize study of documents and observation of resources.
The main purpose of accreditation is to assure the educational institutions, students, their parents, employers and public, who is interested in the subject matter, that the quality of vocational education is recognized by the state.
The accreditation is the recognition of performance and quality of educational vocational institutions and educational projects, which causes for the quality improvement of education services and building public confidence.