“The best lecturer not only teaches the audience, but also learns from students”

On 31th of January it was held the extended session meeting in Educational Complex of Police of RA about implemented works during 2019.
The managing staff, workers with the leadership of the Head of Educational Complex, police major general Mushegh Babayan participated in the meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting the Deputy Head of Educational Complex, Head of Human Resources and Staff for Personnel, Police Colonel Martiros Muradyan read the order No. 220-A of 24.01.2020 of the Acting Head of Police of RA, police colonel Arman Sargsyan, according to which the officers of Educational Complex, who actively took participation in the creation of the educational movie on “The legal regulation of free mass meetings in RA”, were awarded. The First Deputy Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police lieutenant colonel Misak Markosyan and Associate Professor of the Chair of State and Law Theory and Constitutional Law, police lieutenant colonel Amalya Safaryan were awarded with the medal “Bulwark of Law”, and Associate professor of Chair of Administrative Law and Police administrative activity, police colonel Vladimir Avagimyan, as well as Deputy Head Educational process arrangement and Logistics division of educational-methodical and development department of Educational Complex, police lieutenant colonel Tatevik Tevosyan got money reward.
Expressing the gratitude to the awarded officers, Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major general Mushegh Babayan summed up the works, implemented during 2019: “The greatest risk is not risking. This typically characterizes each of us, who work here. You perfectly understand that within rapidly changing world, developing public life and especially the challenges concerning to education, make us be continuously improved, developed, go forward. It is similar like to go against the river stream, if we stop, we are going to be retreated”.
Talking about the implemented works, the Head of Educational Complex, especially, emphasized the stage of successfully passed institutional accreditation, which was the best example of team work and result of common and coordinated work.
M. Babayan again mentioned about the important role of professorial-lecturing staff:
-The best lecturer not only teaches the audience, but also learns from students. The increasing role of the lecturer directly depends on the quality of given material, simplicity, continuously being improved, the skill of managing the audience, evaluation objectivity, having exemplary behavior with the colleagues. If we success in it, we shall rise our personal reputation.
At the end of the meeting the Head of Educational Complex ordered to the Heads of subdivisions, emphasizing the stimulation of scientific works the importance of keeping more the discipline.