Visit to the Educational Complex

The problem of police to present its completely new change to the public has been adopted as strategic plan of reform of Police of the Republic of Armenia, intended during 2020-2022. One of the main steps to reach goal is a modification of external service of Police.
As it was expected, the number of people wishing to get a job in a newly formed patrol policing service is great. A lot of young people from various corners of Armenia decided to join and have their contribution for safe Mother land.
Within the framework of realizing the project on the 13th of July the Deputy Head of Police of RA, police colonel Tigran Yesayan, Deputy Head of Minister of Justice Kristine Grigoryan and president of National Assembly committee on defense, national security and internal affairs Andranik Kocharyan visited to Police Educational Complex of RA. The guests got acquainted with the process of application of the citizens, wishing to get a job newly created patrol policing service, as well as gave some questions to the applicants, wishing success. The guests had cognitive tour among the Educational Complex with the correspondence of the Head of Police Educational Complex, police major-general M. Babayan and professor-lecturing staff, visited to the gym, shooting room, got acquainted with technical satiation, training conditions.
It should be reminded that in order to be appointed on the duty of patrol policing service, the deadline of passing the joint examination to study at the Educational Complex, is the 7th of August.