The visit of Czech delegation to the Educational Complex of Police of RA

From 13 to 17 of September within the framework of Security development project of Police of the Czech Republic representative officer of Education and Training Department of Police of the Czech Republic, lieutenant colonel Miroslav Kortan, Head of the division of Law and Criminalistics of Training Centre of Pardubice, colonel Peter Vesely, lecturer-expert of the same division, captain Jan Kubanek, a co-worker of the department of International cooperation and education of Forensic Science Institute Valery Fibichova visited the Educational Complex of Police of RA.
The leadership staff of the Educational Complex of Police of RA with the Head of the Educational Complex, police major-general Mushegh Babayan met the delegation. At the beginning of the event, there was held meeting at the office of the Head of Police Educational Complex of RA, during which Mushegh Babayan presented to the guests the peculiarities, structure, and education programs. One of the delegation members Miroslav Kortan introduced education projects and peculiarities of Pardubice Training Center. Participants talked also about the Security development project, its essence, and its role.
After the meeting, the delegation members made a cognitive tour around the Educational Complex, got acquainted with Gym halls, methodology of physical preparedness subject, visited the library, History museum of Police of RA, OSCE trafficking, and demining classroom.
The next few days delegation members met with the police officers who were going to visit the Pardubice training center of the Education and Training Department of Police of the Czech Republic from 11-15 of October within the theme of “Crime scene management”. During the meeting, the guests presented to the Armenian officers the structure, features, and education programs of the Pardubice training center. Especially, they introduced the methodology, peculiarities, and material-technical base of the subject Criminalistics. They answered various types of questions given by police officers of the Police Educational Complex of RA. The visitors also got acquainted with the specified and simulation auditoriums of the Chair of Criminal intelligence and Criminalistics, where practical and theoretical lessons are held, they were informed also about teaching methodology, peculiarities, and material-technical equipment. The delegation members were introduced also about education programs related to Training Center and New Patrol Policing.
The visit of the Czech Republic delegation was a good opportunity to discuss further projects and cooperation perspectives.