BackBy the invitation of Chinese colleagues, Head of the Police Educational Complex of RA visited National Police University of China

On 2018 of October 8-16, in the capital of China, Beijing, the celebrations dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of Chinese National Police University and under its framework the organized 10th international Police forum, titled “Enhancing Global Security Governance and Promoting Police Education Cooperation” were held. In order to take participation in this prestigious international event the representatives of more than 30 police educational institutions of Europe and Asia, as well as of various Chinese leading police educational institutions were gathered in one place.
By the invitation of Chinese colleagues, Head of the Police Educational Complex of RA, Police major general M. Babayan also attended in the forum, who had a report during the event: “The activation of cooperation as an essential element of global security providing within the area of Police Staff's training”.
“Just now the public should think about the possible dangers of global security, the future challenges. It is required to have new strategic thinking and the ability to study the implementation of a new organizational legal tools in order to improve the security sector, efficiency. Quantitative and qualitative changes of transnational crime made us search of more effective methods and ways of combating them”,-M. Babayan noted in his speech, presenting the approaches of Police Educational Complex of RA related to the arrangement of international cooperation in the field of police officers’ training.
There were held bilateral meetings with the head of Police National University of China, Cao Shiquan, with the heads of police educational institutions of Russian Federation, The Republics of France, Italy, Portugal, during which they had oral consents of creating preconditions for further cooperation.
The visit of Police major general M. Babayan was productive for the Police Educational Complex of RA because of creating new opportunity for the multilateral cooperation. According to the projects mentioned above, in the framework of internalization, Police Educational Complex became a member of Governing Board of ̏Police Education Cooperation Forum̕̕, gathering about 30 police educational institutions, framework of which the declaration of cooperation was signed.