The oath of self-sacrifice, patriotism, devotion at the Educational Complex of Police of RA

On the 15th of October the newly accepted learners of Academy, College, Training Centre of Educational Complex of Police of RA, being appointed on the service duty of Police of RA, took an oath to be loyal toward the constitutional order of RA, to be unconditionally governed by laws, protect the mother-land.
The leadership staff of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, with the Head, police major general Mushegh Babayan and the relatives of the learners participated in the solemn ceremony of the oath.
The Head of Educational Complex congratulated the newly selected officer learners and emphasized that it is great honor and responsibility to give oath with the unequivocal determination of victory in the front of tri-color flag, nation and motherland on these most important days of making heroic story: “This is oath of devotion, patriotism, self-sacrifice toward motherland, state, people, your parents, sons and hero martyrs who rest in peace in Yerablur pantheon. All of us became one bunch; harden because of force, strengthened through work, becoming wiser thanks to knowledge and education in order to finally break the spine of foe who keeps arms to our side, to win, to create and gain the right to live independent and proud under this sun. This oath should be considered the first step”.
The ceremony of oath was finished with the performance of hymn and solemn march.