The examination of applicants of patrol policing was launched

The eyes full of a lot of expectations, anxiety and willingness.
In order to be appointed on duty of newly formed Patrol Policing of RA and participating in the 5-month course held at Educational Complex of Police of RA, the first group of applicants (about 200 citizens and police officers) were gathered at the Educational Complex on the 7th of September in the morning to pass the first examination (checking)-vocational qualified test to check their service ability.
General knowledge, service ability in police, Armenian language skills and honesty of the applicants is checked through the test.
To get acquainted with the process, the Deputy Head of Police of RA, police colonel A. Fidanyan, representatives of Ministry of Justice of RA, project coordinator at «Union of Informed citizens» NGO Daniel Ioannisian visited to Educational Complex of Police of RA and, with the accompaniment of the Head of Police Educational Complex of RA, police major general M. Babayan, were familiarized with the implemented works' procedure.
As current police officers, as citizens of RA with different types of education and profession want to join to new created family of Patrol Policing.
In the near future other groups will also participate in the first examination (checking)-vocational qualified test to check their service ability, and after passing it, physical readiness checking is going to be held, and after all the applicants with positive results are invited to participate in interview.
We wish success and unbreakable will to the first strugglers for being Patrol Police officers.