Cognitive visit

On the 16th of May the serial interesting event of the Chair of Languages of the Police Educational Complex of RA with multiple content coincided with Student and Youth Day, became unique pilgrimage to one of the most beautiful sightseeing in Armenia- the centers Goshavank, Haghartsin, and peninsula of Sevan are spiritual and cultural centers of Dilijan.
Of course, the patriotism begins from recognizing the motherland. On that day 25 learners of Law faculty of the Police Educational Complex of RA got opportunity to get acquainted with legislator Mkhitar Gosh. They gave tribute to the mausoleum of Mkhitar Gosh, listened the heartbreaking speech of the Monastry's clergyman and received his blessing. Learners especially admired of Haghartsin's gorgeous view, its incomparable structure, nature with its emerald cover. Pilgrimagers took photo with nature, had a rest and later came back to Yerevan with vivid impressions. After several years they will graduate from the University, the destiny will bring them to different corners but impressions of this day will be unforgettable in their memories.