Two more new publications

It was published the monograph of the Head of the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology, PhD of Law, police colonel lieutenant H. Khachatryan on the educational-informative handbook “Group juvenile crime of RA” and “Conceptions (terms) of Criminology”.
The monograph on “Group juvenile crime of RA” is the first complex and full study, where main essential problems on countering crime, one of the peculiarities of juvenile crime, their criminal activities are discussed.
It is studied and discussed the conception, peculiarities, condition, movement, structure, development tendency related to group juvenile crime, types of juvenile group crime, typical peculiarities of minors, committed crime in the group, reasons and conditions of juvenile group crime, opportunities and means of preventing group crime.
The handbook on “Criminological conceptions (terms)” is intended to lecture the course of “Criminology”.
The handbook can be useful for the lecturers of the subject “Criminology”, students, forensic and law enforcement workers, advocates, scientific researchers of criminology, as well as people, dealing with the issues of preventing crime.