The meetings of Scientific groups will be held in distance format

As we know, there exist five scientific groups at the Educational Complex of Police of RA, which arrange roundtable discussions related to the theme, based on the confirmed program. The upcoming meetings of scientific groups of 2019-2020 academic year are going to be conducted in a distance format through the application Zoom (identification number will be provided by the Division of Scientific Works and Student Council). The meetings will be launched at 17:00. The schedule of the meetings is presented below:
“Scientific group on researching crime and punishment issues”, adjacent to the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA:
- On April 21st - “Theft or findings”, M. Markosyan,
- On April 30th - “The thief stole from the thief”: qualify the action”, M. Makosyan,
- On May 18th - “Comparative-legal research on penalty system”, H. Smbatyan.
“Scientific group on researching crime detection and investigation issues”, adjacent to the Chair of Criminal Intelligence and Forensic Science and Chair of Criminal Procedure of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA:
1. On April 23rd -“Problems of investigation in criminal procedure of RA”, A. Hovhannisyan, A. Ghazaryan.
2. On May 8th -“Prosecutor’s control and institutional supervision over criminal intelligence”, A. Hovhannisyan.
3. On May 20th -“Forensic examination of forged documents”, B. Alexanyan, L. Sardaryan.
“Scientific group on state and law subjects”, adjacent to the Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law and Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activity of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA.
1. On April 27th – “The peculiarities of legal status of public administration agencies, liable to Prime Minister of theRepublic ofArmenia’, A. Safaryan,
2. On May 11th -“Modern tendencies in development of human rights system”, A. Safaryan.
“Scientific group on private and civil procedure laws”, adjacent to the Chairs of Civil Law and Civil procedure of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA.
1. On April 29th -“Legal regulation of marriage”, A. Tonoyan,
2. On May 13th -“Principle of conscientiousness in civil law”, D. Ohanyan.
“Scientific group on social disciplines”, adjacent to the Chair of Social Sciences and Psychology of College of Educational Complex of Police of RA
- On May 4th -“Plato’s state concept”, M. Davtyan,
- On May 15th -“Aggressive behavior and prevention tools”, M. Karapetyan.