The next meeting of scientific group

On the 7th of April, 2021 the second meeting of educational year 2020-2021 took place which was organized in the framework of scientific groups, adjacent to the Chairs of State and Law theory and Constitutional Law as well as Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activity.
Acting Head of the Chair of State and Law theory and Constitutional Law, police lieutenant colonel A. Safaryan, senior lecturer of the same Chair, police lieutenant colonel M. Manukyan, Head of the Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative activity, police major Garik Khudoyan, lecturer of the same Chair, police major A. Margaryan, senior scientific worker of the division of Scientific works of the Educational Complex, police major V. Stepanyan presented at the event.
The theme of scientific work was on “Legal peculiarities of Patrol Policing within the framework of Police Reforms of RA”.
Associate professor of the Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative Activity, police colonel V. Avagimyan had a reporting speech on the given theme. He talked about the structure of Patrol Policing, efficiency of the activity and Legal regulations within Police reforms. Therefore, the reporter introduced the arrangement of Police patrol education activity, giving importance to international experience, selection process of lecturers, peculiarities of training course arrangement.
After presenting the scientific report, participants gave a lot of questions to him receiving comprehensive answers.