Scientific group on “The peculiarities of bringing lawsuit at the Civil process”

On the 16th of May during the academic year 2021-2022, the second session of the scientific group of the Chair of the Civil Law and Process was carried out at the Educational Complex. Acting Head of the Chair of Civil Law and Process, Associate professor, PhD of Law, police captain Gayane Marukyan, lecturers’ staff of the same chair, as well as students of the Educational Complex took participation in. The topic of the scientific group was on “Peculiarities of bringing lawsuit at the Civil process”.
Attorney of the Law firm “Lev Group” Larisa Baghdasaryan was invited to the meeting as a speaker.
The speaker introduced a report, dedicated to the peculiarities of the Civil process, current legal regulations. There current civil process code was compared with the previous one, and advantages and disadvantages were discussed. Active discussion was carried out at the meeting.