Scientific-education conference at the Educational Complex

On the 13th of July the Educational Complex of Police of RA carried out an online international scientific-practical conference on “Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminological problems of countering corruption”.
Representatives of education and expertise systems of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Armenia participated at the event. Head of the Educational Complex, police major general Mushegh Babayan and the staff of the Police Educational Complex of RA participated at the event. The event was conducted by the Deputy Head of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, police lieutenant colonel M. Markosyan.
Police major general M. Babayan had an opening speech that international conference would be a good tradition for the Educational Complex and expressed his hope that it would be conducted
He added that the international conference became a good tradition for the Educational Complex, and expressed hope that it would be held in Armenia next year: “Scientific-practical conference is another impetus for solving the problems of corruption ”.
Lecturer of the Chair of Technical Disciplines of the College, police senior lieutenant N. Varyan, education assistant of the chair of criminal intelligence of the Academy, police captain A. Smbatyan had their speeches.
Active discussions were held on the necessary socio-economic, political, legal, moral-psychological, organizational issues necessary in the fight against corruption, as well as the issue of assessing corruption risks in the activities of the police was discussed.
Diplomas were handed to the events’ participants.