
An open English class entitled “Happy Thanksgiving” was held in the first grade of the Academy of the Police Educational Complex on November 22, 2017. From time to time the cadets of the Educational complex get familiarized with the culture of English-speaking countries, and this event was an opportunity to get informed. The cadets had prepared video and oral materials on the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in the USA and in other countries, which dates back to centuries ago. In 1620 a group of English newcomers arrived in today’s Massachusetts state on the boat “Mayflower” and established the colony Plymouth. But most of them died of frostbite, famine and epidemies. Then they started cultivating soil on the advice of local Indians. The first harvest was very abundant, and the statesman William Bradford suggested extending gratitude to God for the good harvest and coping with frosty winter. They gave a feast and invited the Indians who helped them.
Later on, the American president George Washington suggested celebrating the Thanksgiving Day every year on November 26. Then, on Abraham Lincoln’s order the last Thursday was chosen for the celebration of this holiday, during which the American people take part in charity events.
The Thanksgiving Day is also celebrated by American Armenians who make a turkey, pumpkin pie and other delicious traditional dishes and celebrate it with the whole family. Usually, on that very day the annual fundraising of “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund is organized.
During the event the cadets made a surprise to their English lecturer A. Hayrapetyan offering words of gratitude on sheets of paper.
At the end of the event the cadets wanted to celebrate the Thanksgiving Day after having graduated from the Police Educational Complex, having got the shoulder straps of Police Lieutenant and having staffed the police, which will take place on November 25, 2021, on the Thanksgiving Day.