The state accreditation was handed to Educational Complex of Police of RA

The state accreditation process is stated in Law of RA on “Higher and postgraduate vocational education”, in appropriate decisions of the Government of RA, on the basis of which higher educational institutions must turn to the National Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation in appropriate time to organize the intended process.
The state accreditation is realized on the basis of 10 state criteria, the aim of which is to make sure whether the given higher educational institution corresponds to them or not. In the case of correspondence, the higher educational institution is involved in the state register book and to the educational level of European educational territory.
On the 21st of December of 2018 Police Educational Complex of RA appropriately turned to the National Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance, which usually lasts one year, and on the basis of agreement, signed between National Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance and Educational Complex, from 16-20 of September of 2019, the visit of expert group took place in order to evaluate the resources and projects of Educational Complex.
On the 18th of December of 2019 the accreditation meeting took place at National Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance. The accreditation committee appreciated the implemented work of Educational Complex and the concrete way, which was intended for further development of Educational Complex, furthermore it was handed the state accreditation for four years.
Taking into account the state emergency situation, the certification for state accreditation was handed later by Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA to Educational Complex of Police of RA on the 11th of June.