The alumnus of the part time faculty got the received diplomas

On the 22nd of September, 2020 it was held the solemn ceremony to award diplomas of 29 graduates of the educational year 2019-2020 for the profession “Law” of Bachelor Degree of part time education of the faculty of the Academy at Educational Complex of Police of RA.
The diplomas were handed by the Head of Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major-general M. Babayan.
The first deputy head of the Police Educational Complex of RA, police lieutenant colonel M. Markosyan, as well as deputy heads of Educational Complex, police colonel M. Muradyan, police colonel A. Galoyan, police lieutenant colonel G. Arakelyan, Head of educational-methodical and development department, police colonel G. Gevorgyan, Head of the academy, police colonel G. Grigoryan presented at the solemn ceremony.
At the end of the event M. Babayan congratulated to the graduates and wished great success in further service.