Your entrenchment to serve to the motherland is here: meeting with the learners of bachelor degree of paid based education

On the 2nd of September the leadership staff of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, with the Head of the Educational Complex of Police of RA, police major-general Mushegh Babayan, met with learners of bachelor degree of Law faculty of the Academy of paid-based education. At the beginning of the meeting M. Babayan congratulated to the first year students wishing to join to the family of the Educational Complex. Afterwards, new selected learners got acquainted with the structure, peculiarities, regular norms, functions of the Educational Complex: “As future lawyers, you are going to formulate unique word vision, recognize important role and essence of a Lawyer in our society”.
Referring to the necessity of learners’ proper behavior M. Babayan reminded them about alumnus, who were among other learners last year on the same day but only after several days they would be martyred bravely for the motherland: “Appreciate, value the person sitting next to you. Respect each other, and take the sample of our martyred ones as it can serve for you as proper, true patriot and good students”.
The Head of the Educational Complex also mentioned that sum of discipline and educational advanced is important, talked about the necessity of strict discipline and proper presence at lessons.
-Be so much good masters to be useful in practice to your motherland. As well educated and knowledgeable master, your ideas will be essential within the framework of public relations’ all platforms. If you want to serve for the motherland, your entrenchment is here,-the Head of Educational Complex summed up his speech.