The Educational Complex geographically expands its cooperation

From 19-21 of February there was held the 20th international scientific-practical conference related to more than actual issue in police system on “Problems of countering crime and the training of officers within law enforcement system” in Academy of MIA of the Republic of Belarus.
Scientific research workers, lecturers, representatives of higher educational institutions of MIA of different countries were gathered in Belarus to participate in the conference. Representatives of Educational Complex of Police of RA: Head of Educational Complex, police major general Mushegh Babayan and Acting Head of Chair of State and Law theory and Constitutional Law, police lieutenant colonel Amalya Safaryan took part in the conference. The last one presented her article on “Human Rights and police: the role of training course on preparing police cadres”.
Cooperation protocol in the fields of education and science was signed between Academy of MIA of Belarus and the Educational Complex.
Talking about the necessity of expansion of directions, concerning to international mutual beneficial cooperation in the field of education, M. Babayan assured that in order to reach to the goals mentioned above, the important precondition is to study and use the leading experience.
Works of the conference were continued in 9 groups, during which there were discussions about theoretical, legal, constitutional and historical activities of law enforcement agencies, criminal proceeding field of countering crime, as well as actual issues related to the administrative law and activities. Productive discussions and exchange of ideas were carried out, concerning to the reformation and actualization of educational process.