BackThe representative of Czech Police Training Department visited to Educational Complex of Police of RA with the exchange program

On the 9-13 of September, 2019 within the framework of exchange program of European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) the representative officer of Education and Training Unit of Police of the Czech Republic, police lieutenant colonel Miroslav Kortan visited to Armenia.
In the scope of event, he made visit to Educational Complex of Police of the Republic of Armenia, where he was met by the head of Educational Complex, Police Major-General Mushegh Babayan.
Possible directions of future cooperation was discussed during meeting, and preliminary agreement was obtained related to themes of mutual interest in order to continue contacts
The guest got acquainted with the structure, curricula and prospective projects of the Educational Complex.
Afterwards he had cognitive tour around Educational Complex, visited to the academy, college training center of the Educational Complex, got acquainted with the simulation and special classroom, gym with modern equipment, as well as the auditorium, specialized for Criminalistics.
With the accompaniment of Head of International cooperation and IT division of Police Educational Complex of RA, police lieutenant colonel Grigori Davtyan, the representative of Education and Training Unit of Police of the Czech Republic also had a visit to International cooperation department of the Headquarters, Information Center, as well as regional division of Police of RA, and getting acquainted with every day work functions of Police of RA, studied the frame of warrants and functions.
The visit was also equipped with cultural events.