BackThe visit of the representatives of Iran to the Police Educational Complex of RA

On the 25th of February, 2019 Head of the Main Department for Security Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Kalantari, Head, advisor of the Main Department of Security and Police Mehdi Hasan Abbasi, Representative of the Road Police Officer Ali Najafi, police representative Hamid Reza Moghani, as well as the representatives of the Iranian embassy to Armenia.
The guests were met by the leading staff of the Police Educational Complex of RA, with the guidance of the head of the Police Educational Complex of RA, police major general M. Babayan.
M. Babayan greeted the delegation of Iran, expressing his gratitude for the visit and shortly introduced the structure of the Educational Complex and the main functions, after which he suggested to make cognitive tour around the Educational Complex.
Afterwards the guests visited to the Academy, College, Training Centre and the faculty of training and attestation of the Police Educational Complex of RA, where the Heads and officers of the subdivisions presented the implemented educational projects, the specialized audiences, gym rooms.
The guests had a pleasant surprise, made by the students of the Persian Language (Farsi) study group of the Educational Complex, who greeted the guests in the fluent Persian and amazed the presenters with their knowledge of the peculiarities of Iranian history and culture.
The Head of the Chair of Languages, Police Colonel A. Hayrapetyan gave a present to the head of the delegation «The Armenian-Persian conversation book for the police officers», written by her and published by the Police Educational Complex of RA.
The meeting lasted in the conference hall, where the sides discussed issues for the bilateral interests and further cooperation.
At the end of the meeting the head of the Educational Complex, police major general M. Babayan gave souvenirs to the head of the delegation Hossein Kalantari, who thanked for the warm and interesting meeting and hoped that the partnership will have continuation.