BackThe Visit of the Consular Section of the USA Embassy to the Educational Complex of Police of RA

The staff of the Consular section of the USA embassy to Yerevan with the headship of the Consul general of the USA to Armenia Elizabeth Kuhse visited to the Educational Complex of Police of RA on the 26th of April, 2019.
The guests were warmly greeted by the leadership staff of the Educational Complex. The Head of the Educational Complex, police major general Mushegh Babayan, welcoming the delegation, thanked them for the interest, introduced toward police, afterwards he shortly represented the structure and functions of the Educational Complex and suggested to have a cognitive tour along the territory of the higher educational institution.
The guests visited to the faculty of Training and Attestation, as well as Training Centre, where headship and officers of the departments introduced the implemented educational projects and presented the specialized auditoriums. It was given an opportunity to the guests to try their abilities in the electronic shooting room, after which they visited also to the gym rooms of the Educational Complex. The guests got acquainted with the implemented educational projects of the Academy and College, and in the conference hall Consul general of the USA to Armenia Elizabeth Kuhse expressed her gratitude for the warm welcome and emphasized that the role of police is very important for the citizens' safe and welfare. She also mentioned about being pleasurably impressed of the work done by the Educational Complex.
At the end of the meeting the Head of the Educational Complex, Police Major General Mushegh Babayan presented to the guests the scientific-methodical journal «Bulwark of Law», published in three languages, handing two samples to the Consul general of the USA to Armenia.
Mr. Mushegh Babayan also hoped that such kind of meetings would have continuation.