The meeting of scientific group was held on “The main problems of legality in police”

On 12th of March, 2020 there was held the forth meeting of scientific group of state and law subjects during educational year of 2019-2020 at the Educational Complex, adjacent to the Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law and Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative activities.
The meeting was carried out with the participation of Acting Head of the Chair of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law, police lieutenant colonel A. Safaryan, Lecturer of the Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative activities, police major A. Margaryan, lecturer of the Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, police captain A. Adamyan, as well as the representative of the division of Scientific works.
The topic of the meeting of scientific group was on “The main problems of legality in police”. The scientific report related to the given issue was introduced by Senior lecturer of the Chair of Administrative Law and Police Administrative activities, police colonel V. Grigoryan, who interpreted the conception “legality” and presented the peculiarities, concerning to legality in police.
After presenting his scientific report, the participants gave several questions related to the issue, getting comprehensive answers.